Program Announcements

04/04/2024 3:08 PM
The call for applications for the MA in “Language, Literature and Digital Media in Education” will be announced later this year after the revised program has been approved by the…

22/09/2023 11:55 AM
Please note due GDBR regulations the results appear according to protocol number of the candidates’ applications. Find the results here.

21/09/2023 12:53 PM
You can find the winter semester course timetable here.

05/09/2023 1:10 PM
Βρείτε εδώ τα οριστικά αποτελέσματα των επιτυχόντων/ουσών

04/09/2023 1:37 PM
Κατόπιν ηλεκτρονικής συνεννόησης με τις κυρίες ΜΕΛΙΝΑ ΚΟΡΟΖΗ : ΣΟΦΙΑ ΣΑΡΟΓΛΙΔΟΥ : υπεύθυνες του βιβλιοπωλείου και του εκδοτικού προγράμματος του Ινστιτούτου Ιστορικών Ερευνών του Εθνικού Ιδρύματος Ερευνών, δηλώνετε…

27/07/2023 2:10 PM
All candidates for the “MA in English and American Studies” (2023-2024) of the Postgraduate Studies Programme in English and American Studies of the School of English, AUTh, are kindly requested…

17/01/2023 2:49 PM
The Foreign Language Teaching Laboratory of the School of English organises a one-day on-site workshop on “Corpus Linguistic Applications”. The workshop will take place on Friday, 10 February 2023 from…

30/11/2022 1:07 AM
The Language Development and Disorders reading group provides the opportunity to postgraduate students (as well as any interested undergraduate students, faculty) to present research or lead/participate in discussions regarding formal  accounts of…