Old and Middle English Summer School
Website: http://www.enl.auth.gr/summerschool/2017
Dates: 19-Jul-2017 – 27-Jul-2017
Location: Naxos, Greece
Focus: Old and Middle English intensive language and linguistics classes
The Department of Theoretical & Applied Linguistics, School of
English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, is coordinating a
summer school program and a workshop on the history of English to be
held on 19-27 July 2017 in the island of Naxos, Greece.
The summer school will offer Old and Middle English intensive language
and linguistics classes for a period of nine days. The aim is to
attract students and scholars to study Old and Middle English in a
relaxed yet very focused and stimulating atmosphere that promotes in
depth analysis and discussion.
Faculty & Courses:
-How did English change? A basic course in Old English and the
circumstances that led to its modern appearance
Olga Fischer (University of Amsterdam)
-An introduction to Old English phonology and meter
Donka Minkova (University of California, Los Angeles)
-Variation in Old and Middle English (Historical corpora and
linguistic theory)
Nikolaos Lavidas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
-Historical Sociolinguistics: Old and Middle English
Alexander Bergs (Osnabrück University)
Certificate of attendance will be awarded to all participants plus
certification of the 6 ECTS gained (1,5 ECTS for each of the courses;
participation in all summer school courses -including active
participation in the poster session- stands for 6 ECTS).
Accommodation: Please notice that the registration fees cover the
accommodation in the municipality hostel for the whole period of
classes as well as light lunches.
Registration Instructions:
Please state your interests and background in less than one-page and
submit it to Nikolaos Lavidas (nlavidas@enl.auth.gr) and Alexander
Bergs (abergs@uos.de).
More information can be found at the summer school webpage: