For the research project ‘Minimality and Linguistic Variation’ (PI: Birgit Alber) at the University of Verona, Italy, we invite expressions of interest for a 3 year Ph.D-fellowship in Linguistics. Opening of the position is planned for June 1, 2017, selection of candidates will take place in July 2017 and the selected candidate will start work on October 1, 2017.
The successful candidate must hold an M.A., preferably in Linguistics or similar fields. We seek a Ph.D. candidate with some expertise in theoretical linguistics, computational linguistics, dialectology or historical linguistics, and a strong interest in acquiring competence in the others.
A description of the project is available at:
(A full description of the project can be downloaded from the same page)
Expressions of interest in English should include a brief motivation letter detailing how the competences of the candidate fit the goals of the research project. Uploading of further application documents (CV etc.) will be possible once the position is opened on June 1st.
Please send expressions of interest or requests for further information to: