31 January 2024

Quality Assurance Policy

Quality Assurance Policy Introduction The postgraduate program "Theoretical and Applied Linguistics" is aligned with the Quality Policy of the Ιnstitution and implements the Ιnstitution's strategy for high-quality post...
8 November 2023

Teaching Staff

Thomai Alexiou Professor  308Γ |  +30 2310 997098 |  thalexiou@enl.auth.gr |  curriculum vitae  Office hours: TU 14:00-16:00(Onsite/online, by appointment only) | WE 15:00-16:00 Dr Thomaï Alexiou is a Professor a...
9 September 2021

Useful Links

Academic Phrasebank http://www.phrasebank.manchester.ac.uk/   A selection of journals relevant with language learning and teaching TESOL Quarterly  & TESOL Journal  https://www.tesol.org/read-and-publis...


There is a choice of either the MA Dissertation or the Portfolio. The Portfolio (16.000-18.000 words) is submitted by the 30th of September of (a) the year of entry to the programme for full-time students and (b) the ...

MA Dissertation

There is a choice of either the MA Dissertation or the Portfolio. The MA dissertation (18.000 words) is submitted at the end of the third semester of studies and not later than February 15th. For students who receive ...

Course Timetable

For the academic year 2017-18 the courses of the MA in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching will be taught on Saturdays.   ​FALL SEMESTER 2017-18   Students have to attend the following courses ac...

Courses 2016-2018

The Programme consists of the following: a. Compulsory Courses b. Elective Courses c. MA Dissertation or Portfolio The complete programme offers 75 ECTS of which: 45 are gained from the successful comple...

Courses 2018-2023

The Programme consists of the following: Compulsory Courses Elective Courses MA Dissertation or Portfolio For the MA in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching, postgraduate students need to attend  and succ...

Tuition Fees

The fees for the programme are 3,000 euros. Fees are payable in six installments of 500 euros each which are due the first and the seventh week of each semester....


Applicants are required to submit the following documents: Completed application form, printed and electronic Curriculum vitae Copy of undergraduate degree or certificate of completion of studied Transcript...